- Data policy and the regulation of data spaces
- Data and digital economy
- Economics of data
- Nature of data as an economic good
- Value chain associated with data
- Machine Learning Models and Algorithms: Unsupervised learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, ensemble methods, interpretability, and beyond.
- Data Mining and Big Data Analytics: Feature engineering, dimensionality reduction, anomaly detection, text mining, and web scraping.
- Predictive Analytics and Modeling: Demand forecasting, risk analysis, market dynamics, and econometric modeling.
- Natural Language Processing for Economic Insights: Sentiment analysis, opinion mining, financial news analysis, and chatbots.
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting: Econometric forecasting, signal processing, trend analysis, and anomaly detection.
- Statistical Learning and Inference: Bayesian methods, causal inference, machine learning interpretability, and statistical model selection.
- Scientific machine learning approaches in modelling and simulation.
- The relationship between simulation and machine learning.
- Applications of machine learning approaches.